Allthing Meeting Notes, May 16, 2020

Officer’s Meeting was held on May 14th on Discord.

Seneschal HE Michelle of Harris upon York opened the meeting.

Otilia Vuhs, representing the Knight Marshall’s office, stated that no Fighter Practices had occurred due to COVID-19 quarantine; as such, there were no injuries or missing equipment. She has been in online contact with the Terra Sylvae rapier group, keeping them informed.

Lord Kamei Kojiro Yoshinaga reported for the Web Minister. The Baronial website has been updated. An event announcement for Lammastide was added and the Chronicler’s information will be updated.

Lord Andrew of Harris upon York reported about thrown weapons. He recommended any interested parties participate in the Midrealm Challenge. He reminded the Barony that his yard is open for practice. Please contact prior to arrival and access the yard through the gate.

Baronage, HE Master Owen ap Howell and HE Mistress Malkin gave Their greetings. They ask the Barony to stay safe and stay healthy. In regards to event and practice cancellations, the Crown has decreed that events and practices shall not be held until all of Artemisia can participate. With Idaho and Montana still being under a lockdown quarantine, all events and practices are cancelled until state restrictions are lifted. Please be patient. We love and miss you.

Their Excellencies also recommended taking online classes, many of which are linked to Artemisia’s Arts and Sciences page on Facebook.

There was a brief discussion if Melee Madness would he held. There was not an answer available; the status was determined “TBD.”

The event staff for King’s Road is conducting an online poll to determine if the event, scheduled for July 17-19, will have enough participation to be held. Polling will end at 11:59 PM on Tuesday, June 6.

Ballots for the Baronial polling have been mailed and must be postmarked by 5/25. An announcement will be made once votes have been tallied and presented to the Crown.

Seneschal Michelle said that there are no official fighter practices to be held in Gryphon’s Lair until the Crown lifts restrictoins. Continue to participate in online courses. Thorvald is getting a bid on thrones.

Baroness Malkin spoke about a recruitment opportunity at the WSU Homecoming. BGL is hoping to have a booth to recruit college students. Sionainn is coordinating with WSU; he states he has not received a reply from WSU. The Chatelaine, Rodrigo y Castillo, is gathering ideas for demos to draw interested students.

HE Malkin stated that an informal Meet & Greet would be conducted on Discord. This would be more of an open discussion to get to know the candidates. She invited everyone to come, and socialize. She provided four rules of conduct for the discussion chat: 1. Be nice; 2. Take turns; 3. Let everyone answer and 4. Bring snacks and drinks to the virtual environment.

Lord Andrew discussed logistics of the Weber Crossings Campground for Lammastide. He is looking to rent 90% of the facility, from the river to first road field, and the Bowery; he is discussing a weekend rate with the camp host. The Camp/Site host wants to be an observer, and able to be involved with the activities we are conducting.

Lord Andrew also stated that anyone willing to help with activities at Lammastide to contact him.

HE Owen offered to teach a period fishing class.

Our Baronage reminded everyone that bids were needed for Twelfth Night.

Other camp sites in Weber County are being investigated by HE Michelle and Lord Andrew for future event usage, such as Known World Sciences. Perception Park and Utaba Campground were both researched. Utaba stated they are not set up to house anyone; experience with Utaba has been that they are generally booked out over a year in advance.

M’lord Eys Galster proposed BGL participate in local social events, such as Cherry Days or Peach Days (Brigham City is technically CdC). Michelle offered use of her trailer. Rodrigo and Qarachinua (Woulffe) offered use of their trucks.

Without further business, the meeting was closed.

Health and Safety Notice

Although the SCA complies with all applicable laws to ensure the health and safety of our event participants, we cannot eliminate the risk of exposure to infectious diseases during in-person events.  By participating in the in-person events of the SCA, you acknowledge and accept the potential risks.  You agree to take any additional steps to protect your own health and safety and those under your control as you believe to be necessary.